The market for buying and selling businesses has inevitably slowed under global economic constraints. However, many believe the market for deals is coming back and those businesses that worked hard in the downturn will reap the rewards now.
Understanding what buyers of businesses want is integral in order to have a smooth, uneventful sale. This briefing gives insightful thinking about selling or buying other businesses as well as the dynamic change seen in light of the recession.
Interviewees include:
- Julie Meyer, CEO of Ariadne Capital, about businesses, and individuals, leading the way out of a downturn.
- Sara Daw, Managing Director of the FD Centre, on getting into the mindset of an acquirer.
- And Steve Gilroy, CEO of Vistage UK, on businesses being acquired based on performance rather than because of the entrepreneur.
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With a saturation of brands offering almost exactly same service, how do you become the brand that customers develop an emotional connection with?
Hear from some top marketing experts and entrepreneurs on what makes a great brand. Including:
- Kevin Roberts, Chief Executive Officer Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi, on creating an emotional response in consumers.
- Richard Reed, co-Founder of innocent drinks, on the three steps to create a UK success story
- And the Founders, owners and executives of companies like Ann Summers, Pret A Manger and the Eden Project on how to stand out in a crowd.
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It is no secret that the emerging economies are now seeing some very good results in terms of growth and ROI. This is the case across all industries not only for the hospitality sector.
Integral to anyone moving into these areas is the need for a local partner who understands the continuing obstacles faced with a fast-moving, unknown market.
In this briefing we hear from:
- Konstanze Auernheimer, of STR Global, on the conditions for opportunity in hospitality across all 4 BRIC economies
- Andrew Sangster, of Hotel Analyst, speaking about measuring the risk and reward of moving into these markets.
- And James Lisbon, of Mishcon de Reya, about investment opportunities in Russia, Latin America and Africa
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With the IPO of Facebook possibly today and Google combining the social world (Google+) with Search (Search+), the online giants are positioning themselves for an almighty battle. There is only one winner on the web and we are all about to watch who that will be. But what does it all mean for you?
In this briefing we hear from:
- Thomas Power, Founder and Chairman of Ecademy, on Facebook vs. Google having the similarities of Pepsi vs. Coca Cola.
- Louis Gray, the now Product Marketing Manager of Google+, on how to measure the return on investment in social media
- And from Ramona Mehta, Partner at Mishcon de Reya, on how businesses reputations can be propelled or tarnished instantly in this digital age.
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